Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane? No, It's... A Pig?

Back to game jams. Here's one that went under my radar these past years - Global Game Jam. Judging by the stats, it's the biggest of it's kind, so it raises a few questions about my perceptiveness. That aside, GGJ12 is ending as I type, and results have already started pouring in. Nikolaj Kaminski put a smile on my face once again, this time with a game called Super Pig.


Is it possible that I'm the only person on the Internet who prefers dogs to cats? It certainly seems so. I feel the urge to protest against this onslaught of cat lovers. I intend to do so by writing a piece on three games that star cats. I am not a clever man.

Of Loneliness And Kittens

Game jams hold a very special place in my cold, black heart. Thanks to them, I found out about some great people whose work has given me great pleasure over time. In mid-december, Ludum Dare 22, the 22nd edition of everyone's favourite 48-hour game jam, came to an end. A couple of weeks ago, the winners of the wonderful game-a-thon were announced. I've been glancing their way ever since, and have finally found the time to give them a proper look. Results ahead!